Sunday, October 30, 2011

DIY Couponing...Let's call it Couponing 101 The Basics!

     Welcome to Couponing!!! I am going to be doing a series of blog posts on this topic to help those who are NEW to couponing and even those that are already couponing! They say if ya don't learn something new everyday then your not it's my goal to try to help us ALL learn something NEW each day! I know for a fact that doing this series on Coupining will also help ME personally gain some crucial and helpful knowledge. So perhaps this is a selfish posting series??? I don't know! I DO KNOW...that I am HOOKED on couponing!!! I love FREEBIES...and Great Deals too! SO in this blogging series on Couponing I will also be sharing some of those things with you too! After all...if it helps us all save some HAS to be a great thing..right? I thought so! let's get to the basics! PLEASE KNOW...this is NOT EXTREME COUPONING like you see on TV....what I TRY to do is EFFECTIVE Couponing! What works for MY family! What you see on TV takes DAYS to plan and a lot of people to set up and prepare...although the show can be fun to watch...I personally will never use 66 bottles of mustard!!! I also do NOT condone or promote falsifying coupons! You can do this in an honest way and still save TONS OF MONEY!!!
     I've had a few of my girlfriends ask me "How do I even get started?" So I thought we could start with that!
     Gather Coupons! Great place to begin is with your Sunday Paper! I follow a few great pages on Facebook that post AHEAD of time and let everyone know which coupons are coming out...are they Red Plum...Smart Source etc. So I personally gauge HOW MANY papers I will be getting that Sunday from that info I get from them!  Sometimes its 2 and sometimes it's been 5 Sunday Newspapers!! It all depends on what I think our family will be needing and USING! Now, I gather coupons not just for our family in this house...which is My husband Steve our youngest daughter Taylor and myself...but I also try to get coupons for Our oldest daughter Kaylen and her family...her Hubby and 3 daughters....then I try to get a few for our middle daughter Rebecca and her Boyfriend. So as you can see...I make a huge attempt to collect for all of us!
   Another GREAT way to gather coupons is online! There are a LOT of Free sites like, and MORE! All ya have to do to find THESE is google "Coupons"!! THAT EASY! You can typically print up to 2 times of each coupon. The next place I grab coupons from is and the COOL thing about printing out Target coupons is that you can STACK them with Manufacturers coupons. A Manufacturers Coupon is one that you typically get in the coupons in the Sunday Paper. Say you have 1.00 coupon for Fructis Shampoo and Target has 1.00 coupon for the same item! You just saved 2.00 on that item!!! You can also do this with CVS and Walgreens and other places like this. You can ALSO find sites that you can purchase coupons, you can purchase particular coupons that you are in need of or purchase entire inserts.
     So now you have all these coupons....HOW are you going to organize them??? Well there are a few different methods and you could try a few of them to find which works best for you. I personally use the Binder Method! There is the coupon organizer that could fit into your purse. It is an accordion style organizer and if you don't use a LOT of coupons this might be the method for you. Some like to just keep the coupon inserts whole and file them away by the date until they need particular coupons from them. I have tried a few other options and again...I love the Binder Method. I have a double ring binder that zips up. I have it filled with baseball card know the ones that have 9 pockets on them?? Ya...those! I have dividers for Categories that fit the needs of our family. The coupons that I have separated into category are on the left hand ring of the binder. On the right hand side of the binder I have it organized with tabs to Stores. CVS...Target....Walgreens etc. If you want to try the binder method.....I have an awesome source for you to help get a binder system going a bit quicker.... Loaded They can help get you off to a GREAT start with your binder, they provide inserts with their kits which is part of their Instant System to help aid in getting a jump start with couponing. They are on FB AND they have a website!!! Amazing people to work with and fast shipping too!
     When I get my coupons I separate them into stacks first from the inserts. I take the inserts apart and put all the same coupons together in each pile. This makes cutting the coupons SO MUCH EASIER! When I started...I was going through one insert at a time and then having to go back and find the other 2 or 3 coupons that were the same and then file them in my binder! UGH!! Such a HUGE waste of TIME! So take them apart and cut them all at once! Trust me!
  I also follow a LOT of great pages on FB for Coupons, Deals and FREEBIES!!! YES you read that right...FREEBIES!!! I have a drawer and a cupboard here at the house FILLED with them. The girls know to always go there first for deodorant...toothpaste and even laundry soap!!! We have even gotten FULL cans of powder formula...THE BIG ONES!!! FREE!
  Here are some of the GREAT Pages THAT I personally follow on FB for these great deals and helpers! If you have trouble finding them...PLEASE let me know and I will help you find them!
Blessings N Couponing
NiftyThrifty Savings
Coupon Divas
The Krazy Coupon Lady
Centsible Girll  (yes 2 l's girll)
Coupon Sammi
Xanders CouponMommy
Coupon Gmama
Rockin Coupons
Freebies GreatDeals
Coupons SaveMoney
This is just a SHORT LIST!  Use your Facebook to it's maximum potential!!! Just type in COUPONS or FREEBIES in the search bar and you can find TONS of great resources on there!
     You can also write to companies for Coupons! I am going to work on a list that I have going of Companies that I just wrote a simple email to...told them what I thought of their product and they sent me coupons in the mail! It was AMAZING! Some of them were HIGH DOLLAR COUPONS!!! Like 2.00 off Tide!!! So I will work on the list and fine tune it and use that in another coupon post for you all!
     I think this is a great start! I would LOVE to hear if you personally organize YOUR coupons in another way that works best for you! Perhaps you have another source for coupons?? Let us know and we will share it with others for you too!
     I hope this helps you get started on your couponing! You can save SOOO much money with coupons! Oh and PLEASE DON'T TOSS your expired coupons! The expired coupons can be used by our military families for 6 months after the expiration date! On my next post I will do my best to have some addresses as to where you can send them to!
Until next time...Happy Couponing!!!!

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