Saturday, October 15, 2011

DIY Haircut...Little Girls Long BOB

We did our Granddaughter Jazzy's haircut today and posted hers on YouTube as well and thought it would make another great tutorial! She has a LOT of that fine baby soft curly hair on the underneath layer of her hair and it was becoming a huge pain whenever we tried to pull it up or do anything with her hair! It was time to give her a cute litte...or I mean BIG girl haircut that she could brush out and begin to learn how to do her hair a little bit on her own from time to time. So we gave her a long bob haircut with a bit of framing around her cute little face to show off her dimples...well that and to blend in what someone else had done to her with a pair of scissors and NO knowledge of haircutting!!!
So grab your scissors...YOUR SCISSORS FOR HAIR...not your sewing scissors or your pinking shears! HA! And take a peak at our latest video...Starring Jasmine!!!


BeLove said...

i feel as though i could totally cut someones hair right now!!! lol. its probably a good thing its almost 1am and no one is around :P ....awesome videos and your granddaughters are adorable!! can't wait to see your future posts!! :D

Brittney from BeLove Creations

Jill said...

Great DIY blog!! I look forward to more tips! BeLove Creations sent me here! =)

The DIY Family said...

Thank you Brittney and Jillian both so much for your kind comments!!! I am currently waiting for my son in laws hair to grow out so I can show how to use clippers as well!!! And will be doing some texturing on our daughters hair for the blog as well!!!
We are having a lot of fun doing these videos!!! Having our Granddaughters involved is just that much better!!! THEY LOVE IT!!!