Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Random "Mommy-ism" ~ Nightmares and Little Ones

Along the years I have come up with what we in our family call "Mommy-isms"...meaning...goofy or silly things that I have come up with to help our kids or friends...or whoever needs it at the time...to get through the moment...or with three girls...THE TRAGEDY at hand!!!!
So this one works when your little one comes to you in the middle of the night and says "Mommy....I had a nightmare"
One night...I was just completely exhausted and...not sure where this one came from...told her to turn her pillow over. I told her she had her pillow on the wrong side!!! That she had it on the NIGHTMARE side! I told her to go and flip her pillow over and she would have good dreams!!!! Believe it or not this works like a charm!!!
It even became a night time ritual for our youngest daughter for a while...when tucking her in...she would have me make sure it was on the "Sweet Dream Side" She didn't come to my side of the bed anymore in the middle of the night...as a matter of fact...they all became self sufficient in this area and if they woke in the middle of the night....they would tell me in the morning...that they had to flip their pillow over...that they had it on the wrong side!!!
 For the past 20 yrs it has worked not only with our 3 daughters...but with our Granddaughters as well. It's fun to hear our Daughter and Son in Law use it on their girls now! We have passed this on to other friends and family as well and EVERYONE says it worked for them too!
So next time your little one comes to you and says..."Mommy....I had a bad dream" just tell them to flip their pillow over....to the good dream side!!! Everyone will have a better night sleep!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Found you from the Frugal Girls... Love this idea. :) I also have three girls, and can't wait to try this on them! Thanks for sharing.